Friday, March 13, 2009

Diversify and Expand Your Diet

I’m sure that you’ve heard eating a variety of foods with different shades is good for your health, but exactly why is eating a rainbow of natural colors important? Many necessary nutrients are associated with different colors and if your diet doesn’t contain a healthy mix of all of them, then you’re almost certainly lacking vital nutrients.

For example, if you often get stomach aches, you’re probably deficient in green vegetables which are necessary for healthy digestion. If you seem to always be sick, you are most likely not getting enough orange and yellow fruits and vegetables. Let me go through the rainbow of colors and let you know why they are all important for your health.
I’m going to start with the most important color when it comes to eating healthy, green. Green fruits and vegetables are highly nutritious, with dark leafy green vegetables topping the list. Spinach, kale, and kiwi are some examples of green fruits and vegetables. These green fruits and vegetables are extremely important for digestion, fighting cancer, and improving the immune system.

Red fruits and vegetables are excellence sources of phytochemicals, which are essential for fighting cancer. Great sources include cherries, apples, and tomatoes. Red fruits and vegetables also decrease blood pressure and cancer risk.

Orange and yellow fruits and vegetables are usually lumped into one category. These fruits and vegetables are associated with beta carotene (Vitamin A), which is necessary for vision, skin health, and immune function. Sources include carrots, sweet potatoes, and mangos.
One common blue fruit is blueberries, which are extremely important for improving your memory and decreasing your risk of heart disease. Some other important blue fruits and vegetables include grapes, eggplant, and prunes.

Lastly, I am going to talk about white vegetables. Although white isn’t a color of the rainbow, eating white vegetables are also important. Some examples include onions, cauliflower, and dates. These white fruits and vegetables balance hormone levels and they provide a powerful boost to your immune system.

Although you probably aren’t consuming all of these colors on a daily basis, it is a good idea to consume them as often as possible. Those who don’t eat fruits and vegetables regularly might feel fine, but the truth is that their body is not as healthy as it should be. It can take years for a vitamin deficiency to outwardly show. Once the deficiency is visible, there has already been an incredible amount of damage within the human body. Instead of being at a high risk of cancer and heart disease, take care of your body and taste the rainbow.
Becky <3

1 comment:

David Haas said...

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